Business Credit vs Personal Credit

Personal credit vs. business credit: What's the difference?

Your personal credit is connected to you by your Social Security number (SSN). Your business credit history is linked to your business by your Employer Identification Number (EIN) or Tax ID Number, which is how the government recognizes your business for tax purposes. Personal credit and business credit both measure how you manage your financial obligations but in different ways. Both take into account payment history; however unlike personal credit, your business credit report is public and can be accessed by anyone, including your customers. Business credit is also measured differently than personal credit.


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    Personal credit scores are calculated based on five key factors:

    • Payment history: 35% of your score
    • Credit utilization: 30% of your score
    • Length of credit history: 15% of your score
    • Credit mix: 10% of your score
    • New credit: 10% of your score

    Business credit scores are calculated according to:

    • Payment history, which carries the most weight
    • Time in business
    • Number of employees
    • Public filings

    Potential lenders and even your customers can view a copy of your business credit history. Business credit reports usually don’t list the names of creditors and rarely report credit limits as opposed to there being strict limits on who can view personal credit reports.

    Business credit information is primarily collected by three main reporting agencies: Dun & Bradstreet, Equifax, and Experian.

    Is business credit based on personal credit?

    Business credit reports are linked to your business’s EIN number and include information related specifically to your business’s financial activity, whereas your personal credit report is linked to your SSN, and includes information related to your personal financial activity.

    With that being said, business credit and personal credit can still be connected if your business is not set up correctly. For example, if you operate your business as a sole proprietor, you and the business are treated as one and the same, so lenders can take into account your personal credit when determining whether or not to approve your business for a loan. You can also be asked to give a personal guarantee.

    How to build business credit without using personal credit

    1. Obtain your EIN. The first step in establishing business credit is to obtain an Employer Identification Number (EIN). The EIN will be tied specifically to your business, and not to you individually. It’s basically the equivalent of a social security number for businesses. Initially you will need to provide the IRS with your Social Security Number in order to obtain an EIN. However, the IRS doesn’t pull your credit history, so there is no personal credit score impact.

    2. Register with Dun & Bradstreet. Dun & Bradstreet is one of the chief business credit reporting bureaus. To establish your business credit profile, you’ll need to apply for a free D-U-N-S number.

    3. Apply for tradelines with your vendors.  Vendor trade lines are another way to build your business credit. These are lines of credit you establish with vendors or suppliers that   report     to the business credit bureaus. You will want to make sure that your account will be reporting to the business credit bureaus, as not all vendors report.

    4. Apply for a business credit card (i.e. Visa and Mastercard). Once you have established good credit with your tradeline vendors, you are eligible to apply for a business credit card. A business credit card offers you access to additional funds while continuing to allow you to build your business credit. Many are offered with reasonable interest rates and attractive introductory rates.

    5. Try a small working capital loan. Loans are another way to build business credit if you’re paying promptly each month, and there are many types from which to choose. Many business lenders offer working capital loans to business owners, even with poor credit. Just keep in mind that you might end up with a higher interest rate.

    Finally, make sure that you are checking your business credit reports regularly. Just as with personal credit, there can be errors on your report. You want to make sure that stay abreast of everything that is reporting and are quick to correct any inaccuracies that could negatively affect your credit rating.

    Is business credit based on personal credit?

    Business credit reports include information related specifically to your business’s financial activity and are completely separate from personal credit. Even in cases where a blended score is created – such as the FICO SBSS score, which looks at both personal and business credit data – the two sets of data never touch each other.

    That being said, business credit and personal credit can still be connected.

    For companies with small ownership and limited credit history, may be asked to sign a personal guarantee for loans or financing.

    A personal guarantee means that you agree to be personally liable for any debts your business takes on. That means if you default on a business loan or line of credit, the delinquency could show up on your personal credit history.

    Your personal credit and business credit may also be intertwined if you operate your business as a sole proprietor. For financial purposes, you and the business are treated as one and the same so lenders may lean more heavily on your personal credit when applying for business loans.

    How to build business credit without using personal credit

    If you want to establish and build business credit without relying on personal credit, there are a few things you can do to get started.

    First, you need to obtain an Employer Identification Number (EIN) and open a business credit file with the major credit reporting agencies.

    An EIN is the identification number that allows you to apply for loans and business credit cards. It’s like a Social Security number for your business.

    There’s one thing to note about getting an EIN, however. You still have to provide the IRS with your Social Security number to get an EIN. The IRS doesn’t pull your credit history, however, so there’s no personal credit score impact.

    Once you have an EIN, you can work on applying for business credit. While many business credit cards require a Social Security number to apply, there are a few that will let you apply with just an EIN. Typically, however, these options are limited to corporate cards.

    If you have a smaller business, then you’ll need to consider other ways to build business credit without relying on personal credit. Setting up vendor trade lines could be the easiest way to do that.

    Vendor trade lines are essentially lines of credit you establish with your vendors or suppliers. Having trade lines in good standing can help with establishing business credit if you regularly pay on time. The key is making sure that any vendors you work with report your account history to the major business credit bureaus so that you get credit for your good payment habits.

    How to build business credit with bad personal credit 

    Bad personal credit can make paving the way to good business credit more challenging, but it’s not impossible. Here’s what the experts recommend doing to get on the path to better business credit:

    1. Establish your EIN if you haven’t yet. Having an EIN means you have an alternative option for applying for business credit. You can also use your EIN to open business checking and savings accounts.
    2. Register with Dun & Bradstreet. Dun & Bradstreet is one of the chief business credit reporting bureaus. To establish your business credit profile, you’ll need to apply for a free D-U-N-S number.
    3. Apply for tradelines with your vendors. If you have a newer business, vendor trade lines can be one of the most accessible credit options, even if you have poor personal credit. Just remember to ask whether your account will be reported to the business credit bureaus.
    4. Apply for a business credit card. A business credit card can help you begin building credit history for your business, since account activity can be reported to the business credit bureaus. Just keep in mind that getting approved may involve a personal credit check and a personal guarantee.
    5. Consider a secured business card. If bad personal credit keeps you from getting approved for traditional small business credit cards, a secured card may be the next best thing. Secured cards require a cash deposit that doubles as your credit line. Like vendor trade lines, make sure the card you’re opening reports to the business credit bureaus.
    6. Try a small working capital loan. Loans are another way to build business credit if you’re paying promptly each month. Many online business lenders offer working capital loans to business owners with poor credit. Just keep in mind that you might end up with a higher interest rate.
    7. Check your business credit reports regularly. Your business credit report may be thin if you’re just starting out with building credit, but it’s worth reviewing anyway. Specifically, you want to make sure that your business credit accounts are being reported and that there are no errors that could negatively affect your credit rating.

    Finally, consider what you can do to improve your personal credit profile while building business credit history. Raising your personal score could help you qualify for better rates and loan terms on business financing.

    The best ways to improve personal credit are paying on time and paying down your existing debt balances, says Burnside. And when it comes to applying for new credit, be conservative since each new inquiry can drop your personal credit score a few points.